Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything you produce. Then he will fill your barns with grain, and your vats will overflow with good wine. Psalms 3:9-10

We've spent countless hours, late nights and early mornings, researching the federal and state responses to COVID-19, so that we can talk with and advise you on what's best for you in your unique situation.
Before reading the resources below,
check out this overview here.
resources for
IRS Tax Rebate (Credit)—click here.
Expanded FMLA, Paid Sick Leave and Unemployment—click here.
Retirement, Federal Student Loans, and Mortgage & Eviction Protection—
resources for
Paycheck Loan Protection Program—click here.
4/27/2020 - $484 billion more approved!! Including $320 billion more for forgivable loans, $60 billion for Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL).
5/18/2020 - Small Business Association Loan Forgiveness Application.
SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan and Loan Advance—click here.
Payroll, Health, Plans, and other Tax Credits—click here.
other trusted
Other OBLS trusted resources:
CoL&E has opened up its online platform for independent contractors, gig workers and self-employed business owners to begin filing for unemployment—click here.
The SurThrival Funding Guide for Business Owners, (Updated 6/10/20) courtesy of 3to5 Club.
Small Business Association Coronavirus Relief Options—click here.
Nebraska Business Loans—click here.
Colorado COVID-19 Response—click here.
Denver Economic Development & Opportunity Small Business Emergency Relief—click here.
Small Business Association CARES Act PPP Loan Calculator—click here.
IRS Non-Tax Return Filer Application for Economic Impact Payments — click here.
IRS Economic Impact Payments Information - click here.
Getty New Art Recreations - click here.